Brought to you by Chris Hamlett.

Activities for primary schools and families

Are you looking for Materials Science activities to do in class or at home? Then check out some of the activities listed below that are suitable for primary school aged students to carry out in class, in science clubs and also at home.


Below is a list of activities that have developed some activities that are suitable for primary school students to do either in class or at home.

For each activity there is accompanying resources (such as videos and worksheets) and outlined the main risks.

We have a network of Discover Materials Ambassadors who can visit school to help deliver any of the following activities.

To request a visit from one of our ambassadors (either in person or remotely) then please email:


Health and Safety

We have outlined the main risks associated with the activities but it is the responsibility of whoever runs the activity to ensure the health and safety of the participants which means that the activities are done at your own risk and Discover Materials cannot accept liability for accidents / injuries that occurs as a result of doing the activity.

If there is anything you are concerned about regarding safety, please feel free to get in touch (


How did you get on?

If you run any of these activities in class, we would love to know how you get on and so we would really appreciate it if you let us know by email or social media (either Twitter: @Discovmaterials or Instagram: @discovermaterials) or by using the comment box below.



1) Materials Scavenger Hunt

Find materials around you and have a think about why they are used..

2) Separating Materials

Investigate how simple materials properties can be used to separate your recycling.

3) Recycling Scavenger Hunt

Explore the materials in your recycling bin and find out if they are actually recyclable.

4) Break a Beam

Design your own beam and test how strong it is.

5) Materials Investigators (Surfaces)

Equip yourself with a magnifying glass and look at the different surfaces all around you.

6) Materials Investigators (Wetting)

Investigate how water behaves on different surfaces.

7) Crash Helmets for Eggs

Can you design and build a crash jacket and save an egg from a big fall?