10 August 2024. Brought to you by Chris Hamlett.

Magic of Materials Summer School

For the third year running we helped to plan and deliver the Magic of Materials Summer School, at which  thirty 14-15 year old school pupils from across the UK learned about the world of Materials Science and Engineering at three day, fully funded summer school hosted by at St Paul’s School, Hammersmith.

They took part in workshops, and listened to talks, from experts from IOM3, De Beers Group, the National Composites Centre and experts from within the Discover Materials group in addition to working in teams to make the strongest bridge out of pizza boxes.

Huge thanks to all involve in the planning and delivery of the event, it is the ninth year the summer school has been running and it continues to provide a wonderful opportunity for school pupils across the country to fully immerse themselves in not only Materials Science and Engineering but also working together with fellow pupils from across the county.

We are already starting to think about planning for next year’s summer school…