CoCoMicro Box Live

17 July - 19 August 2021, 12.00am

Cotteridge Park (Birmingham).

CoCoMicro Box Live was a live, in person event held in Cotteridge Park, just south of Birmingham City Centre. It attracted more then 250 people and showcased some of the activites that were included in the Royal Society of Chemistry-funded ‘CoCoMicro Box’ project which supplied science boxes to 240 10-12 year old school students in South Birmingham along with a booklet of activites through which they could explore the materials around them.

The live event included an online virtual pinboard where visitors could upload and share their materials scvengaer hunts sheets and photos taken using clip-on microscope lenses (

The booklet develped to accompany the boxes can be found here and a seperate version, adapted for non-box holders, can be found here as can a list of all of the CoCoMicro Book – equipment list to follow the activites in the booklet.


We are grateful to the Royal Society of Chemistry for funding this project through their Outreach Fund Grant Scheme.




Brought to you by Chris Hamlett

  • CoCoMicro Box
  • Cotteridge park
  • Families
  • KS2
  • KS3
  • Science Outreach