18 January 2024. Brought to you by Chris Hamlett.

Raul Silva 

What is your current job / programme of study? 

I’m a first-year PhD student at The University of Manchester, specialising in Advanced Biomedical Materials. 


What A-Levels (or equivalent) did you do? 

Chemistry, Biology, Maths, Portuguese. 


Why did you chose a career in Materials Science and Engineering (MSE)? 

I chose MSE because of its potential to revolutionise healthcare. My focus is on biomaterials, particularly in creating 3D environments for cell culture that mimic the human body, which helps studying different diseases. 


What did you enjoy most about your MSE course?  

Coming from a background in biomedical science and cell and gene therapy, I found the interdisciplinary nature of these subjects so compelling. They steered me towards the innovative field of bioengineering and the use of materials for biomedical research. 


What is your research about?  

For my PhD research project I will be bioengineering a 3D human model of endometriosis for disease studying and drug testing using bespoke self-assembling hydrogels. 


What is the coolest thing you have done in your career so far?  

I’ve had the privilege of working in both NHS and biotech labs, gaining amazing insights into how material science is applied in different settings. I also presented at international conferences and engaged in many science outreach activities, which has been very rewarding. 


What do you see yourself doing in the future? 

I’ve had the privilege of working in both NHS and biotech labs, gaining diverse insights into how material science is applied in different settings. Presenting at international conferences and engaging in science outreach has been equally rewarding. 


What is your favourite material?  

Self-assembling hydrogels are my favourite material. Their ability to mimic human tissue environments is crucial for my organ model research, making them a standout in biomaterials 


What advice would you give your 16 year old self? 

Embrace your curiosity in science and never fear making mistakes! Remember that each step, no matter how small, leads you closer to making a significant impact in the world of science! 


Links to Raul’s external webpages

Raul’s LinkedIn page.