25 February 2025. Brought to you by Taya Stankevych.

Dylan Mwonjoria Taylor

What is your current programme of study?

Materials with Nuclear Engineering MEng .

What A-Levels (or equivalent) did you do? 

I did the IB program instead of A levels where I did High Level Maths, Physics and Chemistry and Standard Level English, Business and French. 

Why did you chose a career in Materials Science and Engineering (MSE)? 

I believe that Material Science and Engineering is that bridge that allows me to understand the phenomena that happens in our lives everyday and I think that to be in the position to understand all the magic of the technology in our lives is amazing. 

What did you enjoy most about your MSE course? 

I love how microscopic effects can have macroscopic influences on how the material behaves and changes.  

What is your research about?  

As an undergraduate student I am still in the process of deciding what I would like to conduct research on in the future but at the moment I am leaning towards any sort of research regarding the improvement in efficiency of current renewable energy sources in order to lower their costs of operation. 

What is the coolest thing you have done in your career so far?  

I think moving half way across the world from Nairobi, Kenya to London to pursue an education in Material Science whilst being surrounded by a whole new culture is probably the coolest thing I’ve ever done. 

What do you see yourself doing in the future? 

In the future I see myself either researching or implementing research from others in the renewable energy sector with the intention of energy more affordable.  

What is your favourite material (and why)?  

I really like carbon as a material due to it’s versatility. From being the basis of all life to being used at the cutting edge of engineering as carbon nanotubes to being admired and adored as Diamonds. Carbon really takes many forms which are all used and are necessary for human life and lifestyle. 

What advice would you give your 16 year old self? 

To my 16 year old self: Just keep doing whatever you’re doing because as long as it makes you happy then it’s good. 


Instagram: @its_dylaann 

LinkedIn: Dylan Mwonjoria