Brought to you by Chris Hamlett.

Material Science in the School Curriculum – Wales (Secondary)

Below are a list of topics in different subject in the secondary school curriculum in Wales which have links to Materials Science and Engineering – if you believe we have missed any then please let us know.



Progression stage 4 (11 – 14 year olds)

Being curious and searching for answers is essential to understanding and predicting phenomena  

I can select relevant scientific knowledge from a range of evidence sources to evaluate claims presented as scientific facts.

I can review my own opinions based on new scientific evidence.


Design thinking and engineering offer technical and creative ways to meet society’s needs and wants

I can investigate, evaluate, select and combine component parts, materials or processes to improve the functionality and effectiveness of my outcomes.

I can use my making skills and knowledge of materials to produce high-quality and purposeful outcomes.


Matter and the way it behaves defines our universe and shapes our lives    

I can describe and explain the properties of different types of matter and relate these to how they are used.

I can describe different types of chemical reactions, explain their uses and identify any effects of the products formed.

I can use my knowledge of chemical reactions to explain what happens when conditions are changed.

I can use different methods to analyse materials in order to understand their composition.

I can describe how various materials need different techniques in order to separate and refine them.


Forces and energy provide a foundation for understanding our universe

I can understand conservation of energy and can explain that energy is used at differing rates, and that this affects the power and efficiency of a system.

Through experiment, I can explore magnetic fields to investigate factors that affect their strength.

I can apply my understanding of the interaction of fields in order to explore uses of magnetism.


Progression stage 5 (14 – 16 year olds)


Being curious and searching for answers is essential to understanding and predicting phenomena.

I can link experimental findings and theoretical knowledge to draw valid conclusions.


Design thinking and engineering offer technical and creative ways to meet society’s needs and wants        I can independently select, justify and combine component parts, materials and processes to improve functionality and can evaluate their impact on the effectiveness of my outcomes.

I can independently select and apply low-fidelity and high-fidelity prototyping to test ideas, materials and structures.

I can use my making skills and knowledge of materials to produce high-quality and effective outcomes.


Matter and the way it behaves defines our universe and shapes our lives     I can use my knowledge of the atomic nature of matter to explain the structure and properties of materials and apply this to their uses.

I can explain how and why different types of chemical reactions occur and can describe them in atomic or molecular terms, as well as in quantitative terms.

I can understand how the products and effects of reactions can be managed and controlled.

I can use my knowledge and understanding of matter to explain how different techniques can be used to extract, refine and analyse materials for a variety of uses.