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Material Science in the School Curriculum – Northern Ireland (Secondary)

Below are a list of topics in different subject in the secondary school curriculum in Northern Ireland which have links to Materials Science and Engineering – if you believe we have missed any then please let us know.

Source: CCEA

Key Stage 3 (ages 11 – 14)

Science and Technology

“Develop a range of practical skills”


 Design and Technology

Manufacturing – selecting materials fit for purpose”


Art and Design

“Developing creative thinking skill and personal creative outcomes through investigating, realising, designing and making:

Drawing and graphic media





Key stage 4 (14 – 16 year olds)

GCSE Specification in Chemistry

1.3 Structure – property relationships (properties of giant ionic structures, metallic and covalent structures)

1.4 Nanoparticles

2.1.6 Relationship between the extraction of a metal from its ore and its position in the reactivity series

2.2 Redox rusting and iron

2.7 Electrochemistry (electrodes, electrolytes and extraction)


GCSE Specification in Technology and Design

1.2 Demonstrate understanding of the main properties and applications of a range of plastics, woods, metals, alloys and graphene

1.5 Demonstrate understanding of the wasting, fabrication and joining of metals, plastics and wood

2.15 Electronic conductors and insulators

2.45 Manufacturing processes and  2.47 Selection of materials

2.50 Smart materials and composites


GCSE Specification in Engineering and Manufacturing

3.2.2 Using materials, parts, components, tools, equipment and processes

3.3.1. Apply knowledge and understanding of mechanical properties of materials

3.3.1. Interpret stress/strain graphs, explain and interpret the elastic limit;

3.3.1. Understanding a range of finishing techniques and discuss issues around the disposal and recycling of materials

3.3.6 New and emerging technologies


GCSE Specification in Physics

1.2.13 Investigate experimentally the extension of a spring and how it is related to the applied force (Hooke’s Law)

1.4. Heat transfer by conduction, convection and radiation

1.4.22. Thermal conduction (1.4.22)

1.4.23. How this (thermal conduction) relates to structure of the materials (1.4.23)

2.3 Electricity Conductors and insulators


Key Stage 5 (16 – 18 year olds)



1.5.1. Describe giant ionic lattices the metallic lattices, giant covalent structures and molecular covalent structures

1.5.2. Explain the characteristic physical properties of these structures, including melting and boiling points, hardness and electrical conductivity in terms of structure and bonding


Polymer chemistry

5.10.1. Demonstrate understanding that condensation polymers are formed from molecules

5.10.2. Demonstrate understanding of the formation, structure and uses of PE and PET

5.10.3. Demonstrate understanding of the formation, structure and uses of nylon