Brought to you by Chris Hamlett.

Material Science in the School Curriculum – England (Secondary)

Below are a list of topics in different subject in the secondary school curriculum in England which have links to Materials Science and Engineering – if you believe we have missed any then please let us know.

Source: National curriculum in England: secondary curriculum – GOV.UK (


 Key Stage 3 (11 – 14 year olds)


Properties of different states of matter

Properties of metals and non-metals (Periodic Table)

Properties of ceramics, polymers and composites



Energy changes and transfers

Forces (stretching and squashing)


Design and Technology

Materials selection based on their properties

Understanding and use of materials for structural elements


Art and Design

Increase proficiency of students in handling materials


Key Stage 4 (14 – 16 year olds)


Periodic Table and physical properties

Properties of metals and non metals

Bulk properties relating to bonding (e.g. diamond, graphite and graphene)

Reduction and oxidation (including extraction from ores)

Smart materials




Energy and phase changes


Key Stage 5 (16-18 year olds)


Crystal structures

Electrochemical cells



Bulk properties of materials

Youngs modulus and Hooke’s Law

Solids under stress (behaviour of brittle and ductile materials)

Thermal and electrical properties of materials

Imaging techniques (e.g. ultrasound and x-ray imaging)